We Are the Champions My Friend

I saw a film today, oh boy
The English army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
But I just had to look
Having read the book
John Lennon From the Lennon McCartney Song “A Day in the Life”

Hubris – excessive or exaggerated pride or self-confidence – synonyms: arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance, self-conceit, pomposity, superciliousness, feeling of superiority

I was going to entitle this pearl of wisdom “hubris”, but Janice told me that this is not a word that a lot of people use. So, then I had to struggle for a title and came up with this. Let me explain. There are woefully few things that the political left and right can agree on these days. But they seem to have hit on something over the last couple of weeks – the Afghan war withdrawal and especially the situation at the airport. Oh sure, they may put a different slant on what has happened and who exactly is to blame. The Republicans gleefully make fun of the President, call him senile and incompetent and call for his resignation and or impeachment. The Democrats point to the fact that President Biden was handed this fuzzy lollipop and there was nothing that he could do with it but to complete the withdrawal. And after all they say, this is all the fault of former Secretary of State Pompeo and former President Trump who negotiated a bad deal. But despite the spins that the various groups put on it there is a consensus that our withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a debacle, a blow to our esteem and to our standing in the world and just in general a totally unacceptable MESS. The pundits say we are the most powerful country in the world. We SHOULD be able to do this or anything else that we set our minds too. WHO SCREWED THIS UP? Well truthfully it really IS a mess. But I am not sure who is to blame. Did Trump and Pompeo negotiate a ticking time bomb with the Taliban that they gleefully handed over to President Biden? How could our vaunted intelligence services misunderstand the situation so grossly that they so badly failed to predict how all of this was going to go down? Did President Biden get bad information or did he IGNORE good information. Is he being weak or wise?

You can add this dilemma to the list of many that I am just not fully certain about. We have spent twenty years in Afghanistan, spent by some estimates over a TRILLION dollars and most tragically have spent the lives of nearly 2,500 of our best young people, about 65,000 to 70,000 thousand Afghani soldiers, over 50,000 Taliban fighters and nearly 50,000 innocent Afghani citizens. The war started under Republican President George W. Bush, was extended, expanded, and contracted by Democratic President Obama, was extended by Republican President Trump and is now in the hands of another Democratic President, Joe Biden. I think there is plenty of blame to go around. But I want to talk about something other than who is to blame.

In the conservative and liberal media, the talking heads, the retired generals and other “intelligence experts” rage and rail about the sorry state of affairs. It strikes me as an indictment of how we see ourselves (I would argue of how we delude ourselves) versus how others see us. If you ask most Americans who won World War II, they will say America did of course. I shudder to try to interpret what was in the mind of Lennon and McCartney when they wrote the words listed above. (They were probably stoned.) But it is safe to say that most Brits think that THEY won the war. Oh, they would agree that the Yanks came to help, as usual late to the party, but that THEY paid the price. (Most scholars think that the US and the UK lost a similar number of military personnel, but the Brits lost nearly 70,000 civilians.) The French, Canadians, Aussies, Norwegians and several other groups would have their own take on things. My point is that we think that we have always been and always should be ALL POWERFUL. We think we can do anything we want in the world because we have the largest economy (for now), the most wealth and the most military power on earth. And by jiminy, if we DON’T get our way, it is because somebody (usually our political opponent) has screwed everything up. I think that is a key to why Americans are so conflicted about the Vietnam war. It is hard to argue that we WON that war. Some would say we didn’t lose the war, but I think that is equivocating. And this setback in Afghanistan will be just as difficult to weave into our “we-are-the-champions” (to paraphrase Freddy Mercury) mentality.

And of course, we Americans think that we KNOW what is best for every situation. Thus, we have coined the term “nation building”. Is that what we were doing in Vietnam and is that what we have been doing in Afghanistan? Let’s try to be balanced, our work in Afghanistan is NOT all to no avail. We built schools, hospitals and greatly improved the infrastructure of the country. It is said that Kabul was an overgrown village with dirt roads in the 1990’s when the Taliban took over and now it is a bustling modern city of over 4,000,000. But along with what we have built, how much physical and societal infrastructure did we destroy? And perhaps more to the point, what made us think that we KNEW what government was best for this scattered, mostly rural, tribal, fundamentally Islamic country that has steadfastly resisted other attempts at organization over the centuries? Perhaps there is no central government there because they don’t WANT one!!

I have said before and I will say it again. I love America. I think it is without doubt the best country in the world. I would never want to live anywhere else. But is it possible that in reality even with all our power and wealth that we CAN’T do exactly what we want in every situation? And if we can’t is this such a sign of failure? What about the rest of the world? Do they have anything to say about how things are done on this planet? Is it possible that we DON’T have the solution for every problem that arises in the world? Is it possible that we can’t right every thing that we perceive to be wrong in the world? I am not an “America First” advocate because I think that radical nationalism has far too many negative aspects to it. As the most powerful nation in the world, I believe we DO have responsibilities. But would it make some sense to work on SOME other problems instead of engaging in the military misadventures we seem to be prone to entering? What could a trillion dollars have done to address poverty, pollution, and global climate change? And by the way I am not saying that we would address those issues only within our borders. Maybe we should try to become the world leader in something in addition to military might.

Some will call me Un-American for even uttering these words – perhaps we should eat some humble pie and own up to the fact that we DID NOT accomplish our ill-defined goals in Afghanistan and that we are making the best of a bad situation that was of our own making and that we will learn from this misadventure. And once and for all admit that we CAN’T be all things to all people. We don’t have all knowledge and wisdom and we need to stop beating ourselves up for these truths.

3 thoughts on “We Are the Champions My Friend”

  1. Hi Craig,

    Thanks for your thoughts on the current complex and confusing situation in Afghanistan. I have a lot of questions about how things have unfolded, too, and how it will reflect on the US now and in the future. As I read about people fitfully angry at what is happening, and I’m not including you in this group, I am honestly curious about what they would have done differently, faced with a 20 year “war” and a bad set of facts left behind by the previous President. For example:

    Despite the unpopularity of the war and the American public’s longstanding desire to be out of the country and understanding that Trump had already drawn the troop levels down to 2,500 soldiers, would they have moved troops back in to the country to create a long term force to prop up the regime?

    If not, and knowing that the only reason the 2,500 troops had not been attacked by the Taliban was the agreement to withdraw, what tactic would they have employed to move US and allied persons from the country in an orderly manner prior to any final date? I agree that more should have been done sooner to process interpreters and others who assisted the US through the Visa process, but to the extent we were to assume the Afghan government and army would have held out for some period of time, would moving more Americans out sooner have created an expectation of defeat that would have resulted in the same capitulation anyway?

    If we did flow troops back in, even if we claimed it was to create a safe zone larger than the airport to evacuate Americans and allies, would anyone expect there to have not been more casualties than there have been so far as the Taliban rushed in to fight and not just to seize control?

    It appears there was an intelligence failure to understand the cease-fire/surrender agreements between the Taliban and the Afghan troops, but if we had known about them, what tactic would have stopped them from taking effect at some point? Bigger bribes to stay at their posts for longer?

    People have also complained about the amount of military hardware left behind, without acknowledging it was left behind to be used by the Afghan military. The US did not surrender it to the Taliban, the Afghan army did. Had we known they would do that, is there any conceivable way we could have repatriated the equipment without creating exactly the same outcome as occurred, namely that the Afghan military would have laid down whatever guns they had left and gone home. How would anyone here or abroad have responded if we had said, we cannot trust you to use our equipment responsibly, so we’re taking it home. It’s silly on its face, but wouldn’t the Afghans have looked for a new partner to protect them, like China, Russia or Iran?

    Now that the Taliban has taken control, and they almost seem surprised themselves that they’ve done it, they are like a dog chasing a car. Hey, you caught it! Now what? Do you know how to govern? Do you know how to manage the modern cities that have been developed in the last 20 years? Do you know how to keep the water running and the power on and the garbage picked up and so on and so forth? Plus with all of the foreign aid drying up, how will you pay to keep the car you caught running?

    Believe me, I don’t have all of the answers, but I’m pretty sure a lot of the people screaming bloody murder don’t either. That said, I do want the President and the current Administration to be clearer and more honest than they have been about what is going on and what to expect. I do want all of our people and the people who helped us out of country safely and soon. I don’t want more suicide bombers killing our troops and innocent civilians, and the only sure way of doing that is getting our troops and the civilians we can out of there.

    Thanks again for sharing with us.

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