Alternate Facts

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
― Soren Kierkegaard

“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the myth–persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. “
― John F. Kennedy

The Los Angeles Times is one of the newspapers in my news feed bundle. I read an article from it today regarding the recent attack on John Pelosi. The way the article was written struck me as somewhat odd. It didn’t so much present the facts but instead recited facts to refute “alternative facts” that are now circulating the media sphere. I need to begin all of this by telling you that Congressman Pelosi is not one of my favorites in the House. She is too far left for me. (Although again in the interest of full disclosure, I have a hard time thinking of a member of Congress who is not too far left for me or too far right.) One of the other things I don’t like about Speaker Pelosi is that she is OLD. That might sound a little funny coming from ME, when of course I’m old too. What I don’t like about the Speaker’s “old” is not that she is 82, but that she has been in House since Shepp was a pup. I don’t like politicians who just go on and on and on. I saw a statistic the other day that half of the Senate is aged 65 or older. Doesn’t age bring wisdom? Ummmm yes, oftentimes, but not always. I just think that when we get into our later years so often we see the world in different ways that do NOT make us ideal for charting the course of the future. And if my memory serves me correctly, in 2018 Pelosi said that if elected Speaker for one more term, she would step aside in 2020. But 2020 came and went and she is still the Speaker. By the way my angst over over-extended tenure is bipartisan. I mean really, its time for Dianne Feinstein AND Charles Grassley to be gone. They are both 87.

Just because I have some issues with Mrs. Pelosi, I should still feel bad for John Pelosi shouldn’t I? Well, there was that thing about insider trading that he has been accused of, but who among us is perfect? Surely not me. But I was nonplussed by how the Times article was “playing defense” on its reporting of the facts. Why did they feel the need to do this? It is sad, but probably the reason they felt this need is that there are numerous “alternate facts” circulating. You have probably heard them. Mr. DePape was the homosexual lover of Mr. Pelosi and the attack on him was nothing more than a lovers’ spat. The police found both of them in their underwear. Mr. DePape lives with a known leftist and this is all nothing more than a publicity stunt to influence voters in the upcoming election. Based on reports from the San Francisco Police Department, there is not a shred of truth to any of this nonsense. Mr. DePape has admitted to detaining Mr. Pelosi and told investigators he was going to hold him until Mrs. Pelosi returned home. At that point he would be asking her questions and if she answered “wrong”, he would break her kneecaps. If this weren’t all so sad it would be funny. Investigators have gone to great lengths to show that Mr. DePape has been posting wing-nut information on his social media for months (there is an “alternate fact” that indicates that his posts were only made the day before the attach). If Mr. DePape were REALLY Mr. Pelosi’s lover, wouldn’t he be claiming that in his defense? I would guess that the Times debated about whether or not confronting the misinformation would just give it more credence.

I believe that our country has always had fringe actors. These would be the kind of folks that would dream up “alternative facts” like these. What we HAVEN’T HAD until the last few years, are supposedly main-stream politicians and other well-known people who will reinforce this kind of nonsense. No less than Elon Musk and Donald Trump Jr. have re-tweeted the bogus claims. I read later that Musk “removed” his retweet. What the hell does that mean? Millions of people read it before he removed it. And other high-ranking Republicans are strangely quiet about this situation. There was a time when Ronald Reagan would have stood up and said “I don’t care if you are a Republican or a Democrat, intimidating and physically attacking a family member of a congressman is UNACCEPTABLE.” But the truly discouraging thing to me is that a sizable segment of our population, a sizable segment of our voters, buy it all as well.

You have read my words in prior editions of this blog. I love America and I think it’s the greatest country in the world. I think we are the shining beacon on the hill just like they say. But I am becoming increasingly more worried that our light is dimming. I’m not at all hopeful for the upcoming election. I think we are going to be shocked at some of the people who will be occupying positions of authority. We might begin all of that with our former Viking running back being elected to a SIX YEAR TERM as a US Senator from Georgia. I sometimes listen to KFAN, a local sports radio station here in the Twin Cities and to one of their afternoon hosts, Dan Barreiro. He occasionally reads an audacious news article in a segment he calls “The End of Society as we Know It”. If we can’t even agree that breaking into a private home and attacking an 82 year-old with a hammer is a bad thing, Barreiro might have lots more news reports to use for his segment.

3 thoughts on “Alternate Facts”

  1. Thanks, Craig. I share your concern about next Tuesday and what the years ahead may bring. Looking back over the last seven years since Trump announced his candidacy with a hateful and dystopian take on the US and the world, we have gone from there’s no way he can be nominated to there is no way he can be elected to let’s hope the people around him can manage him and that we can get to the next elections in one piece, to Republican leaders believing they could use him and ride the tiger to get the conservative judges and big tax cuts they wanted to him shedding one person after another because loyalty only runs one way to him installing people who were supposed to protect him from the consequences of his actions and from being removed from office to his bungling the handling of our portion of a worldwide pandemic in ways that made state officials the bad guys for trying to protect public health to politicizing every institution he could in an effort to attack enemies, to blaming everyone but himself for the violence and racial hatred that came to the surface when George Floyd was killed to refusing to concede a free and fair election that he clearly lost out of shame and fear that his criminality could no longer be shielded by his position as President, to orchestrating a multi-faceted coup attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power to continuing the Big Lie about the election in order to carry out the Big Grift of raising money from gullible supporters in furtherance of the lies, to extorting the Republican name from an actual conservative party and installing himself at the head of an authoritarian one, to getting even many of those who knew he was responsible for the January 6th insurrection to buckle under and close ranks with him to pursue one-party rule to inciting ongoing political violence and threats to election workers and election system, to stealing highly classified information from the White House when he finally did leave, to encouraging others to follow the same playbook to refuse to accept the outcome of elections if they lose to now, when Republican candidates for office want an obvious felon and seditionist to endorse them and campaign for them. It would be unfathomable that such a large proportion of our population could have so lost their minds in this way if we had not watched it happen in real time That people can actually believe he was sent by God to usher in a Christian state, when from a Biblical standpoint, it is far more likely that he was sent by the devil to see how many previously well-meaning people he could convince to follow him through the gates of hell and into the deep end of the lake of fire. I have never prayed about political outcomes and the recovery of our national sanity as I have over this time.

  2. Well, this one is a “barn-burner”: what you offered and what Jon had to say. The opening quotes are wonderful; sad that the Trumpies and his ilk don’t read them nor heed them. The frightening part of this is how quickly a “fact” goes “off-the-rails” with Tweets and Twitter and the many other Social Media platforms out there. I find myself talking in circles trying to understand the mindset and thought process of those who have blindly ignored what are the various and many insidious aspects and actions Trump has committed before, during and after his presidency. There are too many people writing about the very serious danger to democracy all the actions and words of his supporters are creating that one has to wonder if there will not be a democracy…and not at some far-distant time, but soon! Your points about the age of many of the members of Congress is absolutely true and again a peril that has infested Congress. It’s so comfortable to have the perks and privileges of the office and the kowtowing and financial “support” they reap to give it up. How do we get back to “just the facts” as Sgt. Friday used to say and somehow clamp down on the insidious programs of most of Social Media? That latter is certainly a point I’d like to hear more about—time for another inspiration? Thanks once again, Craig

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