Hope on this Independence Day

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,…..”

Paragraph 2, Declaration of Independence – 1776

George Will is a well-known conservative, syndicated column writer and author of best-selling books. His work has been recognized with numerous awards including the Silurian Award for editorial writing and a Pulitzer Prize. He is also a famous baseball fan and has written two books on this subject. He is an unabashed and pure conservative oftentimes clashing not only with liberal Democrats but also Republicans who he doesn’t think are pure enough! He roundly criticized George W. Bush, John McCain and Donald Trump. I appreciate people who stick to their principals no matter what the “leaders” in any given party say and do. This is sorely lacking these days in both parties. So, I really enjoy reading Will’s work. I do have to say that he is a little too erudite for this old sewer engineer. I oftentimes need to read his stuff a couple of times before it sinks in.

Will wrote a syndicated column a couple of weeks ago about…. ummm, the title was “Is the Individual Obsolete?”. It was wide ranging. He began with a discussion on what he labels as a progressive principal – recognizing that our individual achievements could not be accomplished entirely on our own. That is, that we ALL need certain things provided by society to succeed – like education but also more basic elements of society like transportation, legal and law enforcement systems. This seems like a pretty basic truth to me but Will sees it as the first turn-off on the road to perdition. He foresees a slippery slope where government as the formal organization of society takes an ever-increasing part of the success that is realized by successful people. Individuals will be devalued in favor of an overreaching government. Will goes on to a discussion about all kinds of things in our society. I like Will but I found myself scribbling things in the margins questioning several of his assumptions as he laid out his arguments. I guess the biggest argument I have with his logic is the degree to which he believes prosperity has permeated our society. He thinks average people are a lot richer than I think they are. And I find it a bit ironic that he rails at the “political elites” when if there ever was one – it would be HIM!!!

Sometimes seemingly disparate inputs come to me and blend in ways that truthfully, many people find to be a bit strange!! Such was the case today as I was thinking about Will’s article, the recent posting I made about the Pledge of Allegiance and one of my traditional Independence Day observations. Each July 4th I listen to the 1970 recording of a medley by the Fifth Dimension entitled “The Declaration/A Change has Gotta Come/People Gotta be Free”. The first part of the medley is nothing more than the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence set to music. Its hard to believe, but I’m old enough to remember it – there was a backlash when this was published. Who can be against a song made up of the stirring words of the Declaration? Apparently, there were those who felt that it was “Anti-Nixon” and advocated for the overthrow of the government. Boy that wasn’t how I interpreted it. I still tear up when I hear it. Maybe it was the second part of the medley which was the old Sam Cooke song, “A Change Has Gotta Come” that offended them. The blending of these songs makes me feel so much pride in our beautiful country but reminds me that we have so much to do to achieve our full potential. Far too many people are struggling. There are ethnic and geographical groups that are struggling, but in the end this about real people, real individuals, who are trying to get ahead – trying to pay their bills and make a better life for their kids.

Will goes on to talk about the economic transitions that have occurred in our country. In the beginning the great source of wealth in the country was land. A century ago wealth was measured in capital. He contends that the source of wealth today is human capital – knowledge, information and cognitive skills. Will contends that “Although these are widely distributed by nature and augmented by universal free public education, there are limits to how much education – even if competently conducted which it not always is – can do to equalize the ability of individual to thrive in a competitive society.” My comment in the margin there was – Will, read what you just wrote. You are contending that people like me who WEREN’T born with the educational and other advantages of the privileged CAN’T COMPETE in today’s economy. How discouraging!! I would even say how un-American!! I don’t think he is being flippant; he is trying to be realistic about how he sees things. If that is the way it is, no wonder people sing the blues like Sam Cooke. I pray it is isn’t so for it will be our undoing.

God bless those who are successful in our country. I salute their risk-taking, their abilities and their hard work. And I think they are entitled to reap benefits from their success. But I am on a different page as Will on some of this. If any kid, who has the talent and the drive, can’t get ahead in this country, something is definitely wrong and we need to fix it. I think it is that realistic hope, that this is a place where ANYONE CAN SUCCEED that has propelled to us to where we are – the best country in the world and a place I that I love dearly and would never leave.

Happy Independence Day – God Bless America